How To: Spruce Up Your Skincare, Body Care and Haircare Routine!

How To: Spruce Up Your Skincare, Body Care and Haircare Routine!

Face Oil and Rose Petals


Here at Adrift, we love chatting all things skincare, beauty and self-care in general! Whilst we all love to experiment with makeup, it's so important to make sure you're taking care of the skin underneath too! Whether you have a 12 step Korean skincare routine, or just use a sunscreen, it is so important to take the time out to show your skin, body and hair some love. We've written this list to give you tips and tricks (and product recommendations!) on how to best take care of your beautiful body, face and luscious locks. Let us know in the comments below or over on our Instagram @adriftclothing what your skincare routine is looking like in the new year.



1. Invest in skincare tools

Crystal facial rollers are said to have been invented in the Qing Dynasty... which began almost 400 years ago! These rollers have been used in Eastern therapy for hundreds of years, and we're only just catching up in the West now! These beautiful rollers help with lymphatic drainage, and also allow your skincare products to sink in more deeply. We love to use this Crystal Facial Roller in the morning to de-puff the skin. Store in the fridge for that extra cool feeling!


2. Unwind with skincare

Taking the time out to properly take care of your skin is not only great for your external appearance, but is incredible for your mental state too. We love to use our skincare routine as a time to unwind at nighttime before bed, and ensure that we feel calm and relaxed before going to sleep. Whether you love to slather on all the serums and oils, or you just use a simple moisturiser, it's amazing to give yourself that quiet time. Some people even find their skincare routine can be a time for active meditation!



3. Hop on the body oil trend!

Body oils are all the rage at the moment, with their benefits seemingly unlimited! Not only does it feel incredibly luxurious to slather yourself in a beautiful oil, it's also extremely beneficial for your skin. Some of the benefits include maximised skin hydration, fading of stretch marks and sun damage, and maintaining the skin's moisture barrier! A favourite at the Adrift offices is the Bopo Women Summer Solstice Body Oil for that extra glow.



4. Exfoliation station!

Whilst you should definitely NEVER over-exfoliate, giving your skin a little scrub and extra-TLC is a great way to feel refreshed and smooth. It's important to remember to be gentle and not scrub too hard though! If you're feeling like your skin is looking a bit dull, then why not give this gorgeous Stardust Organic Sugar Scrub a go, it's chock-full of natural and organic ingredients that will nourish your beautiful skin.


5. Don't neglect those luscious locks!

A lot of us may be guilty of neglecting our hair when it comes to our beauty routine. Whether you're someone who washes your hair daily, or you stretch it out for as long as you can (guilty...!), we've got you covered with these tips. Firstly, make sure the products you use actually work for your hair type! If you've got coarse hair, you'll need more hydrating products, just as if you have oily hair you'll need more cleansing products! A luxurious product we've been loving recently is the Halo Drop Hair Oil, with all natural and organic ingredients to keep you locks supple and moisturised. 

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